Co-op Program

Almost 1/3 of our full time hires are graduates of UT. Each semester we are hiring co-ops to gain experience and hopefully choose IPS after graduation. We also provide scholarships to students who are majoring in the College of Engineering.

We actively attend career fairs looking for co-ops and full time hires. IPS also provides scholarship assistance to a full time student majoring in construction management technology.

IPS has an endowed scholarship at Eastern Michigan. Each year, it is awarded to a construction management student in the College of Technology.

Since Owens is just a few miles from our office, we encourage students studying construction trades to register with the apprenticeship program through the specific union of interest. Here is a full list of the unions/crafts IPS is directly affiliated with.
"I really enjoy the culture...people can have fun but also get our work done and that's what I like about working at IPS"
Hunter Kelly, Mechanical Estimator